i was an obedient kid.
i don't remember getting called to the principal's office for some ruckus i caused.
so, it's a wonder to some people that i managed to have myself suspended for a day.
but hey, you only get to live once, so throw caution to the wind.
crime: vandalism
don't even ask...
* gossip girl marathon
*watched dear john in dvd
*went to sm with sed
*claimed our personalized i love cebu shirts
* tried on geeky glasses...
which one looks geekier on me?
which one looks geekier on me?

* bought thirsty juices (yes, my stickers are almost complete)
* making googly eyes at gelatissimo, hoping the guy behind the counter would give us a free spoonful of their ice cream.
no such luck. bought 1 scoop of chocolate truffle instead.
*taxi cab ride
* dinner
* saw "the bounty hunter" in dvd
twas great.
maybe i should get suspended more often hmmmmmm?
hahaha i think you should get suspended more often, joke! :p hehe... i enjoy reading blogs of my personal friends, keep on blogging! muah3x. and keep the love!