man is by nature impulsive.
and i think i am nature's
most impulsive creature.
yesterday, i was wandering around the mall with my sole purpose to:
1.get money from the bank
2. buy black ballpen (an obession i have - another sign of impulsiveness)
3. buy face powder
time constraint was lost on me.
i missed prancing around the mall, with work and all, so i decided to check out my favorite book shop - fully booked.
wandering aimlessly through the aisle, and browsing through books which i found overpriced, i chanced upon a copy of
"the time traveler's wife". only two copies were available and mind you, the other copy was for window display (believe me, i asked). i had checked at national bookstore earlier and found that the book was sold out. the classic arguement of "should i or shouldn't i" was playing on my mind...
with only 600 pesos in my wallet left, i asked the employee how much damage the book would cause my wallet "419 pesos ma'am"...
ok...600 - 419 = ... *ticktock ticktock*
ok, i suck at math, but i knew i still had enough to pay for the jeepney fare...
i knew i was on the brink of bankruptcy (the cause of this month's impulsive buying of 2 sandals and a dress) but i bought it anyway...
payday was 5 days away and i still had money in the bank for meals and commuting to work and back...
GO!sometimes i hate being so impulsive.
i know what the consequences would be but i decide to go for it anyway.
on other days, i love being impulsive.
i mean, you only live once, so why waste away time with all the thinking. right? right?
anyway, i've been thinking about all this impulsive buying that i've been doing and i really think that i should start saving.
i plan to go on a trip next year and to make that happen, i would need money to travel and eat and stay someplace nice and memorable.
so, i pledge to save and minimize (i didn't say stop) buying things i don't really need...
anyway, photoshoot with the book that caused all this thinking to happen...

i was so engrossed with how i looked, i didn't notice that the book was upside down...

ok, proper picture this time...

you know what they say,
you can't put a good book down...
(even when i'm asleep...nyahaha)
stay with me in this adventure called life,